Contact Us

Contact Us and FAQ

If you have any questions about our offer, please contact us by filling out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly. 

Please do not use this form to order a portrait!

Please be sure to check out the FAQ below as well!

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How long does it take for you to draw my portrait?

Once I receive the payment and photo, the portrait will take 6-48 hours to complete. It will usually be done the same or next day, but I do have classes and other portraits to draw, so on occasion, they will take longer. This is rare though, and I will inform you if it will take longer.

How do I pay you?

I accept payment through Venmo and PayPal! At this time, an online payment through the website is not available.

How will I know you got my money and form?

I will text you a confirmation to the number provided. If you have questions about the payment/how much to pay, please submit the form. I will text you and then answer any questions you have.

Is my photo okay for you to draw?

Here are a couple simple questions to ask yourself to make sure your picture will turn into a great portrait!
1. Is there anything cut off in the picture? I will not draw in anything that is missing such as foreheads, arms, etc.
2. Is your photo clear? This helps me out greatly when drawing, and your portrait will be more accurate to you!

What can I use these portraits for?

These are great gifts for any holiday! They can also be framed for house decor! My personal favorite use for these is putting them on Christmas cards or invitations!

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